Discoveries – Borders change, memory stays

On our second day of the project we had a guided tour around Krzyzowa. It is  a really small town, but it has its unique, own stories. So we tried to discover this place from different perspectives in the method “Borders change, memory stays”: European, Polish, German and from the point of view of young people. Looking Read more about Discoveries – Borders change, memory stays[…]

Courage and Reconciliation

Friday it was time to get to know the place where the seminar takes place – Krzyżowa – and have a look at some of the stories told there. After a quick overview of the Krzyżowa Foundation’s history and departments, the group split to learn more – either about the Kreisau circle in the House on the Hill or about Polish-German reconciliation – in the permanent exhibition „Courage and Reconciliation”. This post follows the group entering the exhibition.